He Whakamārama

Maker / Kaihanga
John Foster (b.1932)
Production date / Rā mahi
Description / Taipitopito kōrero
214 page book titled "He Whakamārama: A Full Self-Help Course in Māori". This book is "a full course in contemporary Māori language. Aimed at students of all ages and backgrounds"
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Object detail

Maker / Kaihanga
Production date / Rā mahi
System Id / Tautuhitanga Pūnaha
Department / Wāhanga
Object type / Te momo taonga
Other Id / Tautuhitanga kē
Maker and role / Kaihanga me tōna tūranga
John Foster (b.1932): Author
Production details
Reed Books, Publisher, Auckland/New Zealand
Content Titles / Ngā Taitara Take
A Note on Māori Pronunciation; Nouns, Articles, Adjectives; Verbless Sentences; Verbs (I), Nominal Particle (I), Pronouns; Verbs (II), Sign of the Agent, Nominal Particle (II); Prepositions (I): ‘I’, ‘ki’; Compound adjectives, Compound verbs, Relative Clauses (I); Prepositions (II): ‘I’, ‘kei’, ‘hei’; Possession (I); Possession (II); Passage for Translation; Adverbs (I); Adverbs (II): ‘mai’, ‘atu’; Relative Clauses (II); Numbers, Money, Time; Local Nouns, Complex Prepositions; The Agent Emphatic; Comparisons, Degrees, Intensives; Imperatives; The Subjunctive ‘kia’, the Verb Signs ‘ana’ and ‘e’; Miscellaneous Words and Phrases; Verbal Nouns; Interrogatives; Passage for Translation; Neuter Verbs; Elliptical Use of Adverbs, Unusual Verbs; The Particle ‘ai’; Negatives; Oral Practice; Answers to Exercises


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